Dr najeeb lectures too long
Dr najeeb lectures too long


  • Don't get tempted to google things you don't understand in between the video because it is very likely you won't return to the video after it.
  • Like if you have a detachable mouse/keyboard, just hide it somewhere till your video is over. You can try any method like this that cuts off your access to the keyboard/mouse when you are watching the video. Which made it harder for me to minimize the video and open something else.


  • Instead of my PC, I used an HDMI cable to connect the laptop to my TV and watched lectures on the TV.
  • It gives your brain a sense of compartmentalization that we usually have when we are on campus but being at home 24/7 distorts it. Use that space only when you have to study. Like a certain table that is reserved for studying.
  • Have a designated workspace in your room/house if you can.
  • I know getting out of bed is not easy when you have executive dysfunction and low dopamine that makes nothing seem exciting and a sprinkle of depression to top it all off, but whenever you can, try to sit up and take the lecture. I used to lie down to take classes on my laptop and found out that it made me sleepy, and also kind of depressed? Like I felt super sad for no reason and I tried to stop being in my bed so much and that somewhat improved my mood and helped me focus on class a bit. When you feel like you can't or don't want to walk anymore, sit on a chair with your laptop in front of you.
  • When you have the energy, walk around with either your phone in your hand with the lecture playing on it or put it on your TV with an HDMI cable or something so you can walk around in the room and look at the lecture simultaneously.
  • I know this is far fetched a bit, but, if you are frustrated and have tried everything, and are willing to go to any extreme to make it work, this is that extreme.
  • Actually, you can try getting into some easy embroidery or wood shaving kind of thing as you listen to the lecture because it would be something new and your brain would want to do it and that might make it associate listening to the lecture with something exciting.
  • But this might make you miss a lot of the lecture as you may zone out, but if you are like me, listening to some of it is still better than not listening at all.
  • If you are into knitting/embroidery/some sort of craft/ or anything that you do that you put music in the background for, you can do that while watching your lectures too.
  • Just try writing down random words that you are catching. You can also try taking random notes instead of doodling, which would obviously be more useful, but don't get too overwhelmed about the notetaking process. It actually helped me focus instead of distracting me. If you are taking a subject that has lectures you can't just listen to, like it involves diagrams or graphs etc., I don't recommend this, but if it is more of something that you just have to listen to, having a notebook to doodle on has been really helpful for me.
  • Having a paper to doodle on when I am not eating.
  • I have found that spending effort on cooking a meal instead of just grabbing a snack helps me focus more after it for some reason(?) so it might help you too. So I get nuts which are not shelled, and take my time cracking them an eating them, or I make myself pancakes or a huge mug of coffee or something that will keep my hands occupied.


  • If I have a snack or a meal to eat which is like a full plate that I have to hold as I am sitting, I can actually tolerate watching the lecture videos.
  • Because otherwise I would just be tempted to shut the video down and go on social media or YouTube or something and spend 15 hours there.
  • Keeping my hands occupied the maximum amount of time.
  • (I am diagnosed with ADHD but I am not on any medication which maybe is part of the reason I had to try so many ways to make me listen to one lecture.) But watching a two hour video? With this brain? I have had my fair share of breakdowns.I have tried a lot of things, nothing really worked for me because it was usually advise aimed at NTs anyway. Because with physical lectures, at least when you are in the class, you cannot run out and have to sit through the two hours. I have taken two semesters online due to the pandemic and listening to recorded lectures has been such a PAIN IN THE NECK. We want to hear feedback both good and bad! We have an official Discord server! Come chat!ĭo not hesitate to message the moderators. The World Federation of ADHD International Consensus Statement: 208 Evidence-based Conclusions About The Disorder International Consensus Statement on ADHD It is split into segments for easy watching.


  • Excellent introductory lecture on ADHD: what it is, how it affects those who have it, how to treat it to treat, and the potential consequences of not treating it.
  • New to /r/ADHD? 30 Essential Ideas You Should Know About ADHD

    Dr najeeb lectures too long